Business Valuation Experts
Business Reports & Values provide expert business valuation reports for Family Law matters, Professional Practices, Litigation Support, Tribunal and Mediation proceedings. We are highly experienced in presenting expert evidence before court and bring a broad base of business experience and a diverse skill set to examine the financial affairs of the parties and establish the facts.
As Business Valuation Experts our skill and understanding in a combination of Family Law, financial, business, insolvency and court matters over a period of over 30 years allows us to evaluate different circumstances and present our findings in a clear and concise manner for valuations, prosecution cases and litigation support.
Family Law Valuation
With Family Law many business valuations are prepared on a single expert witness basis. This reduces the overall cost to the parties as well as reduces the time in court. There are several factors to be taken into consideration by business valuers when conducting family law valuations and for this reason valuation approaches vary greatly depending on the type of business being valued.
Professional Practice Valuation
When dealing with professional practice valuations, it is important to understand they can be quite complex. They come in many types and may vary from the standard approaches to valuation. Different approaches may be used for the following professions:Legal Practices - Medical Practices -Dental Practices - Veterinary Practices -Pharmacies - Medical Centres -Accountancy Practices - Real Estate Agents -Architectural Practices - Engineering Practices
Ready to find out more?
Contact us for an expert business valuation
The principle of Business Reports and Values, Lee Goldstein, has been involved in Business Valuations since 1985. He holds the following qualifications:
Double Major Degree in Accounting and Finance
Diploma in Forensic Accounting
Graduate Diploma in Valuation
Advanced Certificate of Business
Advanced International Certificate in Intellectual Property.
Lee has conducted numerous intellectual property valuations covering a diverse range of industries, and is often called upon to provide expert testimony in judicial matters. Lee has valued businesses and intellectual property worth over $3.2 billion.
Lee Goldstein has been the Triennial Certificate holder and Licensee of a Business Broking Company since 1992
At Business Reports & Values we provide Forensic and Litigation Support and are experienced in presenting expert evidence before court, tribunal and mediation/settlement proceedings. We bring a broad base of business experience and a diverse skill set to examine the financial affairs of the parties and establish the facts.
Our experience in a combination of financial, business, insolvency and court matters over a period of over 30 years allows us to evaluate different circumstances and present our findings in a clear and concise manner for valuations, prosecution cases and litigation support.